With the ever-changing business world, individuals and companies are continuing to have their bar be raised. Individuals at work are given higher expectations, with additional responsibilities and a faster work pace.
Companies are expected to value a myriad of additional components even outside of the results target increasing, such as giving back (to charity), or being environmentally conscious/friendly.
Executive coaching is designed to be a sound investment, where the results the client generates exceed the time, energy and financial investment of the coaching contract.
Why companies will hire executive coaches:
To develop strong communication skills, team and/or company-wide
To increase emotional intelligence to better build relationships, team building, and collaboration
To strategize and build efficiencies amongst meetings and processes
To raise their bottom line
To create leaders, not managers
To master their bandwidth; increasing productivity, time management & optimization
To increase their business development via team building, collaboration, accountability, and goal setting
To heighten create and develop a sound company culture
To generate untapped results
How to know if coaching is NOT a fit for you:
You (or your company) is content with where you are and don't want anything to change/improve
You tend to get defensive or justify when someone gives you feedback
You'd rather be comfortable and content, rather than be uncomfortable temporarily to be happier
The problem you experience you tend to blame them external factors (ex: people, circumstance)
You find yourself enjoying going through the motions of things, not wanting any change in routine(s)
You don't care to have a rich, fulfilled life
You don't want to make an impact in your life or the lives of others
You have it all figured out

One on One Coaching
Paint us a picture. You have a blank canvas. Imagine a year from now you could say: “If someone would have told me I would accomplish ____, I would have said that’s impossible.” What would be happening? How would you be spending your time? What results would you have accomplished? Experience tailored one-on-one video conferencing executive coaching sessions for you to create and generate exponential results, rather than incremental. An E.P.I.C. an executive coach works with a limited number of clients to ensure quality of the coaching work over quantity of clients.
Small Group Coaching
Consider having your team(s) receive coaching as a small cohort of 3 - 5 employees. E.P.I.C. offers small group coaching for teams to learn each other's strengths, how to complement and collaborate more effectively, increase productivity, depend accountability, learn from each other and build a stronger culture, creating thrilling results. This coaching is specific for people and companies interested in tapping into their full potential and overcoming obstacles. It leaves no room for judgment, arrogance, or entitlement, but instead promotes vulnerability, humility, dedication and curiosity.

Workshops & Webinars
This interactive workshop is designed for your team, organization, or community to jumpstart the trajectory of your results improving cultural, leadership, communication and ultimately, results. The trainer(s) have the ability to effectively engage the participants both as an educator and as an interactive facilitator. Participants will not only walk away with knowledge on tailored training pertinent to address the challenges of growth desired in your organization, but will have the tools on how to implement and integrate the training they receive. The workshop training topics are an integration of psychology, behavioral sciences, business management, ontology, and other areas to create evidence-based coaching training sessions.
Facilitators are often sought after for important department meetings that behoove having a neutral, third party to help effectively manage the meeting. The facilitators help enable the participants to effectively accomplish the meeting objectives by designing the meeting, allowing all perspectives to be heard, and revealing any blind spots participants may have while remaining "neutral;" meaning he / she does not take a particular position or bias in the discussion. Facilitators thus advocate and help the group develop a constructive approach to work together collectively. This requires them to understand and acclimate themselves to the group and/or company’s culture, so they can best design these meeting(s). Some common facilitation meetings can include, not are not limited to: organizational and/or department, identifying the organizational core values and/or leadership style, establishing roles and responsibilities, and creating/upgrading policies and procedures.

Keynote Speaking
A keynote speaker presents a talk for a company retreat or event to convey key points that will raise awareness, peak interest and inspire your staff. Each speech is tailored per each organization's event, and allows the audience to grasp the core message and tools in creating impactful results and dynamic, influential leaders. At E.P.I.C., we use various disciplines such as storytelling, andragogy, sociology, phenomenology, communication dynamics, neuroplasticity and integrate them with various executive coaching principles to create dynamic quality messaging.